Aachen Building Material Day

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Raupach
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Weichold
Steel and corrosion
Metrology and non-destructive testing methods
Preservation of historic buildings
Polymer materials
Protection systems and durability

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Matschei
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anya Vollpracht
Advanced Concrete Technology
Microstructure and Modelling
Mineralogy and Inorganic Chemistry
Circular Economy and Environment
Innovative Binders and Technology
Latest news

Weihnachtsgruß aus dem ibac / Christmas greetings from ibac
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Partner und Freunde des Instituts für Baustoffforschung, das Jahr 2024 geht zu Ende, und wir möchten die Gelegenheit nutzen,
Nils Münstermann receives prize
Nils Münstermann aus der AG9 erhält auf der Polymers for Sustainable Future 2024 Konferenz in Prag den Posterpreis für seinen Beitrag „Chitosan-Based Coatings for the
63rd ABT & BÜV training on 14/15.11.2024
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, am 14. und 15.11.2024 findet in Aachen unser 63. Aachener Baustofftag statt, dieses Jahr wieder mit einer BÜV Fortbildung. Weitere
19th Concrete Canoe Regatta - Save the date
The 19th concrete canoe race will take place in Brandenburg an der Havel on 14 and 15 June 2024.
The ibac is participating in this event together with the Institute of Structural Concrete (IMB).

BIM Championship 2023 - The ibac in the finals
On 09.05.2023, buildingSMART organized the honouring of the BIM Champions 2023 in Stuttgart as a pre-program of the BIM Users' Day. The ibac had submitted a competition entry and is
Save the Date - DAfStb Annual Conference and ReCo 2023
Save the Date - DAfStb Annual Conference and Research Colloquium 2023