
T. Juraschek, O. Weichold 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair (Concrete Solutions), Thessaloniki, 2017, S. 207–211. In-situ methods of detecting steel corrosion using permanent and non-electronic systems ABSTRACT: Current systems for detecting corrosion of the reinforcement in concrete are realized via highly specialized systems that are commercially not available. Thus, these systems require complete technical […]


P. B. Sassmann, O. Weichold 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair (Concrete Solutions), Thessaloniki, 2017, S. 235–238. Development of Electrically Conductive Resins for the On-Site Fabrication of Sensors for Corrosion Detection and Risk Assessment in Reinforced Concrete ABSTRACT: Assessing the risk of corrosion in steel-reinforced concrete can be accomplished using different types of sensors such […]